Martin Lewis is an enigma and a most creative genius. His creations are integral parts of many professional magicians including David Copperfield and many others.
Here is a live performance of Martin Lewis' "Cardiographic" effect. The kid he was doing the trick for accidentally flashes her card to me. Martin says, "I wish it were always that easy :)"
Time Stamps for this podcast:
00:01:54 - Martin talks about Earthquake Magoon's in San Francisco, California where a cache of Carter the Great paper was found; his late father, Eric Lewis; Harry Corbett and his puppet, "Sooty"; his inspiration that launched his career; dealing with nerves before a show; the importance of listening to your audience; the development of his "Cardiographic" Rising Card effect; how he envisions creativity; impromptu magic tricks;
00:49:41 - Product Review: "Quantum Angel" by Paul Harris and Bro Gilbert which is an improvement on Paul's "Cardian Angel" where an angel on the Bicycle card animates as you flip through the cards and a miniature envelope is revealed that contains a secret message. Recommended.
00:54:19 - Product Review: "Trojan Horse" by Steven Himmel is a DVD that contains four routines for using the card gimmick plus instructions on how to make additional gimmicks. Basically, this is a "Sandwich Card" effect where the card can disappear or transpose to another colored card or even a coin. Recommended.
00:56:34 - Product Review: "Screen Test - Pocket Edition" by Steve Dimmer is a mentalism effect where you correctly divine the name of a freely selected movie from a random group of movie poster cards. This is the pocket version of the larger, postcard sized effect. I use it and like it. Recommended.
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"Proof Positive" is the effect referred to in this podcast as Martin's "go to" impromptu trick. During our discussion, he couldn't remember the name of the creator, but it was David Parr. This effect is available in David's web store: