Paul Prater is a “bizarrist” in his magic style as he loves and explores the unusual side of our art. He creates props and scripts that lead his audiences down a very spooky path, and they love going with him. Since 2017 Paul has been presenting “Haunted Argenta” in Argenta, Arkansas which is a Ghost Tour. He as recently added “Boos and Brews, The Lascivious and Wild Tales of Argenta”. You may think that Argenta isn’t so spooky, but thousands of Native Americans died here on the Trail of Tears, plus other real and mythical tales.
Paul tells how he found the venue where he performs his Ghost Tours and how he developed his market. Paul is also an attorney who decided to go down this path as his living and he talks about why he chose this path.
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This is the book referred to in the podcast, “Paranormality: Why We Believe The Impossible” by Richard Wiseman. Highly recommended! Please click on the graphic above to visit for more information or just Click Here to help The Magic Word Podcast through the Affiliate program with Amazon.