April was National Autism Acceptance Month, and although we missed posting this week’s episode during that time, it is no less important nor relevant the rest of the year. This week we chat with Cody Clark show is “on the spectrum” of autism. He is currently 31 years old and lives in the Louisville, Kentucky, area, but travels throughout the Midwest with his motivational magic show. He is an adept and successful performer of stage, stand-up and close-up who has carved a unique niche market for showing his skill and sharing his story.
Cody is proud of his hometown and thankful for his mentors who inspired him like Lance Burton, Mac King, Bob Escher, David Garrard, and others in the Louisville area. Mute until he was three years of age, he saw and helped a magician on stage which inspired him to follow magic as a career path. He structured his college degree to aid in his career with studies in theater, business, and debate. He now performs in hospitals to board rooms entertaining and inspiring others with his magic and his personal story.
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