In this podcast, I am joined by most of the old gang from "This Week in Magic" that was part of The Magic Newswire: Dodd Vickers, David "Silly Billy" Kaye, and Cameron Ramsay. Chase Goforth was "under the weather" and unable to join us on this podcast.
Many have wondered what Dodd Vickers has been doing since his hiatus from The Magic Newswire and his plans for the future of the website. The movie business in Atlanta, Georgia has certainly kept him busy but he has not neglected The Magic Newswire. Some exciting things are in store that include The Conjuring Arts Center. David Kaye has been touring a lecturing abroad throughout Europe and Africa during this past year. David talks at length about the College of Magic and the important work they are doing for the youth in Africa. Be sure to check out their website to see how you can help. Cameron has been performing, attending lectures and working with Andrew Mayne's new television show.
At time stamp 00:40:24 we kick off our discussion of what has happened in the world of magic including magic in the movies, magic on television, live theatrical magic productions, magic conventions, and more. We also mentioned a few names of those magicians who have passed on during this past year.
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Although the list below is not exhaustive, it does reflect the names of many well-known (and some lesser known) magicians, spouses and assistants who passed on in 2013. If you are unfamiliar with any of these names, then it would behoove you to do a little online search of what these people have contributed to our craft. If you have someone you think was overlooked, then please post the name in the comments below on this blog.
Magicians' Valhalla
Scott B. “Scotty” York, Jr. (DOD – December 28, 2012)
Imam Hossain (DOD – December 2012)
Kees Schoonenberg
Louis W. Chaudet
Robert “Bob” Steiner
William P. “Bill” Miesel
Harold F. Puff
Alexander Adrion
Maurine B. Christopher
Jerry C. Schnepp, Sr.
David Ball
Deyip J. Louie
Hans Moretti
Peter J. Reveen
Dr. Robert A. “Bob” Escher, Jr.
Johnny Lonn (Bjorn Lonnqvist)
Dennis R. Loomis
Vinicio Raimondi
Gene “Phantini” Grant
Amos Levkovitch
David L. Bendix
Richard A. “Dick” Staub
Richard W. “Rick” Walker
Albert Ching
Bart Whaley
Jon LeClair
Burton S. Sperber
Madren Elbern “John” Calvert
Gladys Simoneaux Christenberry
Gertrude Smith
C. Parker Swan, III
Monica Roucau
Roland Hill
Karl Norman
Roderick William "Rod the Hop" Dee
Last vestiges of Christmas cookies to be eaten as we ring in the New Year. Cheers!