Thursday 16th September 2021
5:00pm - 10:00pm Dealer’s Room Open
6:00pm - 6:05pm Welcome Address from Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin
6:05pm - 7:00pm Brent Braun Lecture
8:00pm - 9:00pm Jon Armstrong Show and Lecture
10:00pm - 11:30pm John Graham Show and Lecture
Magic and Martinis Thursday Virtual Happy Hour from the Magifest in Columbus, Ohio.
Time stamps for this episode:
00:00:17 - Scott departs Houston with a cup of coffee and a Dunkin’ Doughnut offering
00:04:45 - Jeff Copeland and Caleb Morgan talk about the upcoming TRICs convention, the Magifest, coins and more
00:17:56 - Joshua Jay welcomes us and tells us what to expect this weekend followed by Jon Armstrong talking about his upcoming lecture
00:23:17 - Michael Trixx tells us this is his first Magifest and discusses why he chose to come here
00:34:08 - Tom Craven has been attending Magifest for 58 years and talks about his history with the event
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