Diamond Jim Tyler is a world class close-up magician who has lectured and performed for magicians and corporate clients around the world…well, he hasn’t yet been to Japan, but I’m sure that’s coming soon. Diamond Jim is well known as the author of the three volume series of “Bamboozlers” books which contain bar bets and friendly cons. He is working on a fourth volume and ultimately a compendium of the series. Diamond Jim is also known for his many appearances with Brian Brushwood on his “Scam School” episodes.
This week Diamond Jim talks about how he got his stage name, stories from the road, work with difficult clients, and and interesting chat about his many lectures around the world.
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The Magic Book Shop - specializing in hard-to-find magic books, signed editions, and out-of-print books. If you are looking for a magic book but can't find it, then check out The Magic Book Shop. You will also receive a 15% discount this week only on all purchases by using this promo code on checkout: magicword And be sure to enter this week’s contest to win a copy of “Daryl’s Ambitious Car Omnibus” Contest ends on March 14, 2020.
And if you are willing to sell a collection of magic books, then contact Eric Citron for an honest quote.