This week we dip our toes into magic’s history to learn about a past Dutch Master, Antonius Albertus de Vries aka Tony Anverdi (1925-1995). Chuck Caputo keeps his memory and his apparatus alive in his collection and his recollection of Anverdi’s props and his life achievements. Anverdi may not be a name commonly known nor remembered by today’s community of magicians, but as we have more and more of our brothers and sisters excavating the lives of past masters, we benefit from that knowledge.
If you would like to view our chat via Zoom, then please enjoy this video of our podcast. Also, be sure to watch the last 15 minutes as Chuck displays some of his prized original pieces from his Anverdi collection.
This week, Chuck Caputo talks about the life of Anverdi and why he is important to our history and his relevance to our magic today. Anverdi’s creations spawned ideas that are accomplished today using digital technology that create “miracles.” And if you watch the YouTube video, you can see some of the props from Chuck’s collection in the last 15 minutes of the video.
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