First place winners for Mentalism at the 2015 FISM Championships, Thommy Ten and Amelie Van Tass have "wowed" crowds all over the world with their two-person clairvoyant act. Currently starring in "The Illusionists 1903" touring magic show, they were finalists in the 11th season of America's Got Talent (sic) television show.
But topping this podcast, we have a chat with Stan Allen who brings us up to date with the latest "bombshell" announcement. With the August 2016 issue, MAGIC Magazine marked the end of an era with its "last" MAGIC Magazine after publishing 300 issues over the past 25 years. But rather than going out "cold turkey", Stan Allen has a plan to reinvent the magic magazine and publish just 25 more issues over the next 20 months with a new publication: MAGIC Legacy. These will not be available digitally, but only by hard copy and it will be a limited run. So if you don't subscribe, then you may miss out entirely if you think you will "jump in" later.
Thommy Ten and Amelie Van Tass on their first outing on 2016 "America's Got Talent" (sic)
00:01:41- Stan Allen brings us up to date with the latest news and all the details on his new venture: MAGIC Legacy. This limited run publication was announced during MAGIC Live! last week. Many people signed up for the new magazine at the convention, but others will be given the chance to subscribe and to pply the balance of their subscription payment towards a limited time price for MAGIC Legacy.
00:18:17 - Later in this podcast, Thommy and Amelie talk about their experience on "America's Got Talent" TV show and what it's like backstage. They also talk about meeting and starting to work together in Austria. This is a couple who practically finish each others' sentences...but what else would you expect?
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