One of magic's greatest teachers, Michael Ammar, is reinventing the way we learn magic. Along with Brian Daniel South (proprietor of the former "Creative Magic" company) and Michael Rosander. Michael is working with a new project, "Discover Magic" which is a program to teach magic to 8-12 year old youngsters More than a "magic camp", the instructors are provided with the necessary tools to find a teaching venue in their home towns, receive instructional manuals, specially packaged tricks/props, and online support plus a "vault" for the students to "unlock" each week to learn even more magic. Each of the eight classes will be 90 minutes and teach the fundamentals of magic aided by learning material provided by Discover Magic.
They currently have 52 instructors across the U.S. and they have room for a couple more. From October 14-28, 2015, they are looking for two more instructors to join their ranks and get trained to teach.
Learn a little more about Discover Magic in this 45 second video.
A new levitation of a borrowed wine glass, full or empty. Originally called (by me) "Crystal-Air" but now offically called "Exquisite"
At the beginning of this podcast, Michael speaks in detail about, "Exquisite" his newest trick being developed and sold by Losander. It is a wonderful "levitating wine glass" effect that can be performed close-up. We also talk about when he used to perform on cruise ships and how they have changed over the years. Michael also talks about when he performed close-up magic on television talk shows, and learning magic from "The Professor" Dai Vernon. Plus he talks about how magic lectures have changed and he also gives some great advice for those who want to put together their own lecture and go on tour teaching their magic.
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